Call Me Maybe. Is that the book I read? The one with the rock star in LA? Has it been four years? It seemed a lot longer. Nice collection of romance there. I’m following Lucy Nichol on Substack now and look forward to reading more of her work. My own reading is filled with kid’s books but I have got the Booker shortlist arriving soon. On the TBR is Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. Love Japanese writers 🤍

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It is indeed, but I'm wondering if you read it in its previous guise? I had quite intensive structural edits when I signed my publishing deal with Hera, so quite a lot of the story changed. I'm loving your YA and kids book recs, I'm trying to get my 12 year old son into reading more.

Lucy is an absolute babe, and I think you'll really enjoy her substack!

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Thanks so much for including me Stephie xxx

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My pleasure!! xxx

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